
  • Marija Kostić MB University, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Jovan Kojičić Faculty of Administrative and European Studies, Podgorica



Artificial Intelligence, Modern Administration, e-Governance, Artificial Intelligence Human Rights, Democratic Principles, Accountable Development, Sustainable Development


In context of changes and the implementation of the public administration reform, the authors consider the strategic directions of the development of artificial intelligence in the legal system of the Republic of Serbia. This includes the legal framework, necessary infrastructure and interoperability, optimization and digitization of administrative procedures and public services. The impact of the fourth industrial revolution on aspects of public administration is considered and the significant progress of the Republic of Serbia in terms of innovation and social transformations in synergy with the concept of artificial intelligence is described. According to the artificial intelligence readiness index for 2022, out of 181 ranked countries, Serbia is in 59th place. The Republic of Serbia is implementing the Artificial Intelligence Development Strategy for the 2020-2025 period, it is among the 26 countries that launched the National Platform for Artificial Intelligence and is the first country in Southeast Europe to establish an Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Through the contemporary theory of modern administration and the concept and importance of e-Governance in the development of modern administration, the authors particularly discuss the ethical use of artificial intelligence in the legislative framework that promotes and regulates development. The foundation of e-Governance is regulated by a series of special laws, and the Law on Electronic Administration regulates the performance of public administration tasks using information and communication technologies. Therefore, the application of artificial intelligence in public administration belongs to the field of electronic administration, and the Law on General Administrative Procedure is of great importance for the application of e-administration institutes and rules. In addition to significant benefits, artificial intelligence also brings numerous risks in relation to human rights and freedoms, rights to privacy, rights to the protection of personal data, bias and discrimination, lack of transparency and accountability, uncertainty and unreliability, loss of human control and supervision, and so on. In this sense, the authors suggest the establishment of strong inspection, penal and appeal policy mechanisms. Altogether, it is important from the perspective of various preventive mechanisms that will enable accountable development and ways of verifying artificial intelligence in accordance with the highest ethical and security standards, and in terms of finding a fair balance between technological development and the protection of human rights and democratic principles. This paper points to the importance of future research in various areas of law in the field of artificial intelligence.


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