sustainable competitiveness, environment, life cycle assessment, consumer behavior, environmental indicatorsAbstract
From the aspect of sustainable competitiveness, which emphasizes productivity as the basis of prosperity and long-term growth while ensuring the sustainability of society and the environment, the competitiveness of countries was analyzed based on annual reports of the World Economic Forum, International Institute for Management Development and the World Bank. Indicators that we believe best reflect the country's potential for promoting sustainable development and lead to a faster approach of Serbia to the most competitive national economies with joint engagement at the state, regional and local levels, including households, have been singled out. In order to determine the impact of consumer behavior on the environment, in our research we applied the life cycle assessment method (LCA) and analyzed 15 environmental indicators. In accordance with the obtained results, we have defined recommendations for increasing the sustainable competitiveness of the Serbian economy, having in mind the behavior of consumers and possible reduction of their impact on the environment, from the aspect of more economical use of electricity, reduction of biowaste and continuous education of the population. educational process and appropriate legal regulations.
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