
  • Dragan Manojlović University MB, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Dragana Lazić University MB, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade, Serbia



Deadly Attack, Dubona, Malo Orašje, Absence of the Protector


The paper will investigate the aspects of the deadly attack on the citizens of the suburban settlement of Dubona in the city municipality of Mladenovac — the city of Belgrade, and the settlement of Malo Orašje — the city of Smederevo, from May 4th, 2023, which resulted in the loss of life and the injury of several people. The aim of the research is to come to the following conclusion, is it a legal right of a citizen to expect his life to be protected? Was the deadly attack predictable? On what principles are the powers of the authority based, which, according to them, is obliged to provide protection to the citizen — his bodily integrity and any other integrity? Did the body authorized to protect citizens from the deadly attack that was carried out on May 4th, 2023 act in accordance with its obligations in the case of the crime in the suburban settlement of Dubona of the city municipality of Mladenovac - the city of Belgrade, and Malo Orašje, a populated place - the city of Smederevo? Who is responsible for the deadly attack? Based on the research, it is established that: for the deadly attack on May 4th, 2024 in the suburban settlement of Dubona in the municipality of Mladenovac - the city of Belgrade, and Malo Orašje, a settlement in the city of Smederevo, the citizens of the Republic of Serbia who decide to entrust and transfer their powers to authority—the government that exercises the powers delegated to it on their behalf; the government of the Republic of Serbia — its Ministry of Internal Affairs — its Police Directorate and its organizational units are responsible: the Police Administration for the city of Belgrade and the city of Smederevo; managers in those organizational units who are obliged by law to provide protection to citizens for the peaceful enjoyment of their rights; the deadly attack was predictable; authorities could have prepared for proactive action and prevented the deadly attack.


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How to Cite

DEADLY ATTACK: DUBONA AND MALO ORASJE: LEAVE THE PROTECTOR. (2024). MB University International Review , 2(1), 104-115.