
  • Vesna Milanović MB University, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Vesna Miletić MB University, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade, Serbia



employees' satisfaction, supervisor's communication, banking organizations


 Organizational outcomes are related to employees' satisfaction, their job performance and other job-related attitudes and behaviours. Accordingly, organizational outcomes are also related to employees' satisfaction with communication in their organization. Previous empirical research has shown that among communication dimensions, employees' satisfaction with supervisor's communication has the strongest relation to job satisfaction. Therefore, this paper examines employees' satisfaction with supervisor's communication. In addition, it examines supervisory and non-supervisory employees' attitudes to satisfaction with communication with their supervisor. Thus, the aim of this paper was to determine whether employees are satisfied with supervisor's communication as well as whether supervisory employees and non-supervisory employees are equally satisfied with the communication with their supervisor. 166 employees who work in banking organizations in the Belgrade region (Serbia) participated. Descriptive statistics were used to present and analyse the respondents' answers. The main finding has shown that the surveyed supervisory employees rated the communication with their supervisor well in contrast to non-supervisory employees. This finding suggests that supervisory employees in lower positions in the hierarchy of surveyed banking organizations in the Belgrade region should improve communication with their employees, and the management of these organizations should offer them a supervisor communication training program or a supervisor communication skills course, etc.


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