Police Cooperation, European Union, Counterterrorism, Securitization Theory, CyberterrorismAbstract
This paper explores the evolution of European police cooperation in the context of countering terrorism in the 21st century. The primary objective is to analyze the shifts in perceptions and responses to security threats following the pivotal events of September 11, 2001, with a focus on the European Union's efforts in formulating a unified counterterrorism policy. The theory of securitization provides a theoretical framework for understanding the perception and management of terrorism as a borderless threat. The analysis culminates in the exploration of Europol's pivotal role in facilitating coordination and information exchange among member states in response to dynamic and contemporary threats. In this context, the paper addresses cyberterrorism threats, exploring the international dimension of this crime and the inadequacy of local regulations in member states for prevention and defense. The paper concludes by highlighting the evolving landscape of European police cooperation, marked by collaborative frameworks and institutional adaptability in addressing emerging security challenges and preserving fundamental European values. Through the analysis of police cooperation development in this context, the paper contributes to a better understanding of the effectiveness and efficiency of EU counterterrorism efforts.
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